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Rico Verhoeven

Top athlete Rico Verhoeven, world heavyweight kickboxing champion, also opted for the expertise of Visus Oogkliniek.

A month after his now famous fight with opponent Badr Hari, Rico Verhoeven came face to face with the surgeon of Visus Eye Clinic. Because the sympathetic fighter with the impressive physical appearance had a great wish: through life without contact lenses.

The team at Visus Eye Clinic was happy to help ‘the king of kickboxing’ through the entire process. Verhoeven was therefore more than satisfied with the result of the laser treatment:

“Exchanging my lenses forever for sharp vision has been one of my best decisions.”

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Video ervaringen

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Wil jij weten hoe anderen hun ooglaserbehandeling hebben ervaren?

  • 5 sterren Good experience!

    Had eye laser treatment last year. Still very happy with the treatment. Good explanation by visus and the treatment only takes a short time afterwards. Got rid of all complaints pretty quickly afterwards. A little more trouble with reflections when driving in the dark with rain, but apart from that, vision is very good!

    C.Koeyvoets - 23 December 2023
  • 5 sterren Very well served

    Helped very well. Informed well beforehand, did extensive research on the best treatment for me. Was helped quickly despite the crowds. Operation successful, clear explanation of how and what to do after the operation. Good aftercare. Highly recommended.

    Thymen De Frel - 19 December 2023
  • 5 sterren Good, professional clinic

    Good, professional clinic. Had both eyes treated with the Relex Smile in September 2022. Everything is super well and tightly organised. The treatment itself seems exciting but you are well guided and all worries are taken away, you feel you are in capable hands. Aftercare also well organised. Great vision now, no need for glasses. Well worth the money!

    Bart Vermeulen - 24 November 2023
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