Holiday Season Opening Hours.
Our clinic will be closed from December 25th to January 1st, 2024. During this period, we will not be available for regular calls or to schedule appointments. Our emergency line remains open for urgent cases. Wishing you a happy holiday season and a healthy New Year!


Monovision is a method for treating presbyopia (presbyopia). The doctor will ensure that you can see well into the distance with one eye and well up close with the other eye.

If you suffer from presbyopia, you will find yourself moving books, magazines and newspapers further and further away from you in order to read them. During activities such as reading, writing, or crafting, you may experience headaches, fatigue, or eyestrain. Presbyopia differs from nearsightedness, farsightedness and cylinder abnormalities because these eye abnormalities have to do with the shape of the eye or the eyeball and are caused by factors such as heredity.

In Monovision, one eye sees sharply close up and the other eye sees far away. The eyes therefore transmit different images. The brain chooses an image for each situation that is most suitable for the distance at which you are looking.

Monovision is an upgrade with the following treatments:
  • IntraLasik as an upgrade with this treatment

  • TransPRK as an upgrade with this treatment

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This treatment has changed my life, I have never been able to see so well!

Luna Bijl - Topmodel
Why Monovision at Visus eye clinic?

Why Monovision at Visus eye clinic?

  • 9 van de 10

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  • 7 van de 10

    TODO - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas hendrerit fringilla ante at feugiat.

TODO - Vestibulum auctor neque eu ex aliquam gravida. Ut consequat scelerisque felis ac sagittis. Hayati Guzel, Hoogste aantal SMILE behandelingen in Nederland (2018)

Veelgestelde vragen over Monovisie

In the overview below you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about the Relex SMILE treatment. If your question cannot be found here or if you would like additional explanation, please call 0800 0088. We are happy to help you.

Wil jij weten hoe anderen hun ooglaserbehandeling hebben ervaren?

  • 5 sterren Good experience!

    Had eye laser treatment last year. Still very happy with the treatment. Good explanation by visus and the treatment only takes a short time afterwards. Got rid of all complaints pretty quickly afterwards. A little more trouble with reflections when driving in the dark with rain, but apart from that, vision is very good!

    C.Koeyvoets - 23 December 2023
  • 5 sterren Very well served

    Helped very well. Informed well beforehand, did extensive research on the best treatment for me. Was helped quickly despite the crowds. Operation successful, clear explanation of how and what to do after the operation. Good aftercare. Highly recommended.

    Thymen De Frel - 19 December 2023
  • 5 sterren Good, professional clinic

    Good, professional clinic. Had both eyes treated with the Relex Smile in September 2022. Everything is super well and tightly organised. The treatment itself seems exciting but you are well guided and all worries are taken away, you feel you are in capable hands. Aftercare also well organised. Great vision now, no need for glasses. Well worth the money!

    Bart Vermeulen - 24 November 2023
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