Holiday Season Opening Hours.
Our clinic will be closed from December 25th to January 1st, 2024. During this period, we will not be available for regular calls or to schedule appointments. Our emergency line remains open for urgent cases. Wishing you a happy holiday season and a healthy New Year!
Overzicht veelgestelde vragen

Is post-treatment possible at Relex SMILE?

The chance that a follow-up treatment is needed after ReLEx® SMILE is smaller than with the other treatments. It occurs in about 3 in 1000 treatments. If it is necessary, you can receive a trans-PRK treatment. For example, if it turns out that the deviation has not been completely corrected or if your strength still changes after the treatment.

Fortunately, this does not involve any costs. Visus is the only clinic in the Netherlands that really gives a lifetime warranty on every laser treatment.

Otto Wolter