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Best technology guarantee

In laser eye treatments, the technology that is used partly determines the end result. At Visus Oogkliniek you will always be treated with the best equipment.

Examination Are performed according to the latest technological standards.
Measurement We have the most accurate measuring equipment on the market
Treatment We always use the latest lasers
Follow-up We will keep a close eye on your recovery

Schwind Amaris 1050 Rs

The Schwind Amaris is the fastest excimer laser in the world. Reason for Visus Oogkliniek to use this laser as the first clinic in Europe.

With the excimer laser we can give your cornea the right shape. The doctor first tests which correction is needed and then the excimer laser takes over. Naturally, the doctor monitors the process closely. The laser shapes the cornea in such a way that the intended correction is automatically achieved.

Fastest Excimer Laser in the World
The faster the excimer laser works, the smaller the chance of complications. That is why we at Visus Eye Clinic were the first clinic in Europe to work with the Schwind Amaris 1050Rs, the fastest laser in the world. The laser works no less than thirty times faster than the average excimer laser.

Visumax Femtosecond Laser

The arrival of Zeiss VisuMax laser marked a huge advance in laser eye technology in recent years. With VisuMax, vision corrections are now even safer and more accurate. That is why Visus Oogkliniek has also chosen this laser.

This revolutionary laser system uses the so-called femtosecond laser technology. A femtosecond is one quadrillionth of a second. The VisuMax FemtoSecond Laser is therefore very fast.

n addition, the doctor can work almost on a molecular level without damaging the surrounding tissues in the eye. That also makes this laser extremely safe. The VisuMax is the only laser with which the SMILE treatment can be performed.

Catalys Precision Laser System

Visus also offers lens replacement treatment with the Catalys precision laser. This modern laser has extensive 3D imaging capabilities and many other innovative functions that make your treatment more precise and allow more customization.

The advanced 3D imaging technology of the Catalys laser creates a 3D image of the eye so that the length, curvature and depth are precisely visible. With the 3D image, the doctor can then draw up an individual treatment plan.

With the Catalys laser, the doctor can make the incisions in the eye required for lens replacement treatment up to ten times more accurate than manually. Due to the high precision of this laser, you will recover faster and you can benefit from the excellent result for a lifetime.

Zeiss Cirrus OCT 5000

During an OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) exam, pictures are taken of the structures of the eye. This concerns the cross-section of (a part of) the retina.

In this way, abnormalities in the retina can be accurately visualized. The purpose of this examination is to establish a diagnosis and/or to enable possible treatment.

Do you want to know how others have experienced their laser eye treatment?

  • 5 sterren Good experience!

    Had eye laser treatment last year. Still very happy with the treatment. Good explanation by visus and the treatment only takes a short time afterwards. Got rid of all complaints pretty quickly afterwards. A little more trouble with reflections when driving in the dark with rain, but apart from that, vision is very good!

    C.Koeyvoets - 23 December 2023
  • 5 sterren Very well served

    Helped very well. Informed well beforehand, did extensive research on the best treatment for me. Was helped quickly despite the crowds. Operation successful, clear explanation of how and what to do after the operation. Good aftercare. Highly recommended.

    Thymen De Frel - 19 December 2023
  • 5 sterren Good, professional clinic

    Good, professional clinic. Had both eyes treated with the Relex Smile in September 2022. Everything is super well and tightly organised. The treatment itself seems exciting but you are well guided and all worries are taken away, you feel you are in capable hands. Aftercare also well organised. Great vision now, no need for glasses. Well worth the money!

    Bart Vermeulen - 24 November 2023
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